Affluence Capital Insurance and Risk Banner

Insurance & 

Minimise the risk of adversity when things go wrong.

Risk management is therefore crucial in mitigating the adversity that one may experience should something go wrong.

Insurance products can be tailored to your exact situation to ensure you and/or your family are taken care of should something severe happen to you.

Risks To Consider

Affluence Capital Risk and Insurance Disabled icon

Becoming disabled

Getting severely sick

Losing one’s job

Affluence Capital Risk and Insurance Death icon


Insurance products available to you include:

1. Life cover
A lump sum amount that pays out to your beneficiary or estate when you die.

2. Disability cover
A lump sum or monthly amount that pays out to you should you become permanently or temporarily disabled.

3. Severe illness cover
A lump sum or monthly amount that pays out to you should you become temporarily or terminally ill.

4. Income protection cover
A monthly amount paid to you whilst you are unable to generate an income due to sickness or injury. (Very important for non-salaried workers/commission workers).

We also assist business with:

1. Key Person Policies:
A type of business insurance that protects a company against the financial loss that could result from the death or disability of a key employee. This being someone whose skills and knowledge are essential to the company’s success.

2. Buy and Sell Agreements:
A legally binding contract between co-owners of a business that involves life policies to buy out the shareholding of a co-owner who dies or leaves the business.

We have contracts with many of the industry’s leading insurance companies including:
Momentum, Sanlam, Discovery, Old Mutual, PPS and Hollard.


When or why do I need life insurance?

If you have debt like a mortgage, or have a spouse and children – you don’t want to leave them with financial stress and worry about how to handle such matters. Having a life policy can not only help cover outstanding debt, but also leave a lump sump of capital for your family to adjust to your absence and figure out things financially going forward.

Why do I need illness or disability cover?

When one is severely ill with something like cancer or disabled and thus rendered unable to work, you are probably at risk of losing your income and thus expose yourself to debt and/or financial pressure or ruin. Thus for yourself and your family, its wise to have a back up plan for if one or both of these were to ever happen to you. Let’s be honest, insurance is a grudge payment, but its the one thing you always wish you had when you need it.

What type of people should consider income protection cover?

Often people in the medical world, like doctors, chiropractors or physios – people that sell their time – need income protection. This provides you with an income if you are sick or injured for a few days, weeks or months. People who earn majority of their income from commission should also consider this.