Investment Services
“Rule No 1: never lose money.
Rule No 2: never forget rule No 1.”
– Warren Buffet
With a CAT II FSP licence and many years of experience, we’re poised to not only give you good advice but also to manage your investment portfolios with skill, care and excellence.
Our Investment Philosophy
- Dedicate sufficient time and effort to researching and understanding what you’re investing in.
- Create a balanced, well-diversified portfolio and be cognisant of overall asset allocation.
- Select fund managers with proven track records.
- Maintain a long-term outlook: markets fluctuate in the short term, be patient and stick to your investment plan.
- Simplify investment products and portfolios.
- Reduce unnecessary fees & taxes.
- Eliminate emotion from your investment decisions.
- Maintain realistic expectations for market returns
What investment products suit your goals?
Financial Goal
Emergency Fund. Plan a holiday or travel overseas, buy furniture for your apartment, save for your wedding, save towards buying a home, buy a new car, start your own business, further your studies or provision for your children’s education.
Setting yourself up for retirement
Create wealth over time
Provide post-retirement income
Investment Product
Unit Trust, Money Market Solutions
Retirement Annuity, Pension Fund, Provident Fund, Preservation Fund
Tax-Free Investment, Unit Trust, Segregated Share Portfolios, Endowment
Living Annuity, Life (Guaranteed Annuities)
Saving & Investments
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One or more unit trusts, consisting of multiple assets and holdings.
A concentrated portfolio of carefully selected stocks, local and/or offshore.
Retirement Annuities
Pension & Provident funds
Preservation funds.
A structured investment wrapped in insurance policies taxed at 30%
Corporate cash solutions, yielding higher than average interest rates.